Header / Logo
In Artsystem5, the Default Logo is displayed for all new database configurations. This default can be replaced for customized branding of the application.
NOTE: The selected logo file will be visible for all users of the database in the upper left corner of the browser window. Private Viewing records will also use this logo file.
Custom Logo file
To replace the default logo with a custom image file, click the image upload button, then drag and drop the new file into the drop zone. When the upload is completed, click Done to close the drop zone window, and the new logo will be present in the Newsletter Settings Panel.
IMPORTANT: For best results, logo files should be formatted, before upload, according to the specifications below:
- Pixel Dimensions - 145 x 24 (WxH)
- File format - PNG or JPG (baseline optimized)
- Color - 8 bit sRGB
Return at any time to the default Artsystem5 logo by clicking the Default Logo button. The custom logo will then be replaced.
Footer / Social Media Links
This section is NOT currently active, but will be used in future versions of Artsystem5.