The best way to return artwork to a consignor is to create a Shipment Transaction and utilize the option on the Transaction Shipment Pane to set Works Inactive upon Shipment.
- Open Works, and Mark the Works to include in the Shipment Transaction.
- Select from the Preview Panel Transact>Shipment
- Select Marked Works to the question 'Which records would you like to include on this Shipment?'
- Select the Next button to continue.
- Search to find the Ship From and Ship To Contacts and move them into the proper fields using the Arrow icon
- Click Finish to create the Shipment Transaction.
- Click on the Shipment Pane to click the option to set Works Inactive upon Shipment.
- Users can also update the Location Detail by typing, or selecting from the dropdown in the Set Location Detail field.
- Be sure to click Shipped when finished.