The way to change ownership on a Work Record is by creating a Reacquire Transaction.
- Open Works and highlight the Work Record to change ownership.
- Select from the Preview Panel Transact>Reacquire Work Record.
- On the Re-Acquire Work Pane adjust the Location and Source if needed, then select the new Ownership. Select the Next button to continue:
- The Re-Acquire Work Pane will appear already populated with the Work Details. Make any adjustments needed or just click the Next button to continue.
- Add the correct financial information for the Work and when finished click the Finish button.
Note if the Work had an Image on the original record, there is no need to re-add image here.
- The Work Record will be added with the new ownership. All the details from the original will be retained such as Value History and Activity. Users will notice in Activity that the work was Reacquired:
Users will also notice the old record with the old ownership is still in the database with Status = Inactive and a special status 'Previous State'. The Inactive record is to keep a visual 'paper trail' of the history of the work. Users are free to delete the Inactive 'Previous State' record if desired.