The Artist Module contains all Artists which are linked to inventory records in the database. In this module users can track artist dates, categories, Prefix and next Number for inventory numbers, Images, Documents and Notes.
Double-click on any Artist in the grid to open the Artist Detail Pane and Artist Preview Panel.
The Artists Detail Pane includes several panes to access additional information: Works, Images, Documents, and Notes.
- Main: The Main Pane contains basic Artist details (First Name, Last Name, Artist Dates) but also includes classification field (Categories) and Prefix and Next Number fields which is used for the System Assigned Inventory Number, and a place to link the Artist record to an existing Contact record. SEE Works Module Settings: System Assigned Inventory Number.
- Images: The Images Pane is where users will document visual images which represent the artist (The primary or main image plus any additional images).
- Documents: The Documents Pane is where users can save any documentation on the Artist (Biographies, Important publications, etc.).
- Notes: The Notes Pane is a large Note field to document any information about the artist.
The Artist Preview Panel on the right side of record is where users can see a brief overview of the Artist Record and it includes an Action Bar in the center of the panel: Documents, Transactions, Contact.
- Documents: Select Documents to save additional documents to the Artist record.
- Transactions: Select Transactions to create Transactions (ie: Invoices, Consignments, Returns, etc.).
- Contact: Select Contact to easily send email.
Notes about the Artist Category