Double click on any Artist record to open the Detail Pane and add additional information to the Artist record. The Artist Menu on the top of the Detail Pane will show the different Panes to open for adding more details. Click on any of the selections on the Artist Menu to open the different Panes:
- Main: The Details Pane includes the basic Artist details: First Name, Last Name, etc. Also is where users can add the Artist Categories, , Date Modifiedand Date Added fields.
- Works: The Works Pane displays all Works entered by in the data for the particular Artist.
- Images: The Images Pane is where users may add one 1 Primary and multiple Additional Images to the Artist record.
- Documents: The Documents Pane is where users can save important documentation associated with the Artist record.
- Notes: The Notes Pane has a large Note field to add Notes associated with the Artist.