Click on Provenance to open the Provenance Pane of the Work record.
The Provenance Pane will help users keep track of Current and Past ownership for inventory. The Current Owner field will update automatically when Invoices are created in the database. Users can fill in the Dates and Credit Line if desired. The section below the Current Owner is to document past ownership.
- Publish - Click to check Publish if the Collection name can be published (and the Credit Line will appear on reports).
- Collection - Click once on the next available line item and use the Eye icon to link to Contacts. Users can also opt to not link to Contacts and simply type in the Collector.
- Dates - Enter the Dates of ownership if known
- Notes - Enter any additional Notes about ownership
- Credit Line - Enter how the name should appear when published. Note: If Publish is not checked the Credit Line will NOT appear on reports.
- Up/Down Arrows - User the Arrows to correctly order the past owners in date of ownership order. Click on any line item entered and use the Up or Down Arrows to move it up or down the list.
The Link Between Provenance and Contacts
Linking a past owner to a Contact records allows users to track what kind of art Collectors are interested in. On any Contact record open the Detail and click on the Collection Pane to see the information entered on the Provenance Pane.
- ExColl - Ex-Collection means the work is no longer in the Contacts collection. ExColl will be checked if the Provenance entry was entered in past ownership section of the Provenance Pane.
How to Remove a Provenance Entry
To remove a Provenance link, highlight the Provenance line to delete and click the Delete Key on the keyboard. The line item to-be-deleted will appear in Red Text and will purge upon saving the record: