Click on Images to open the Images Pane of the Work record.
Users may add one Primary Image and multiple Additional Images to the Work record.
The Primary Image is the main image for the record and one that will be used for all reports.
- The Directional icons at the bottom of the screen allows users to rotate the attached images if necessary.
- To Delete the Primary Image select the X Icon just right of the Primary Image.
- Use the Density Slider on the right side of screen to change the size of the Additional Images in the grid.
To Add an Image:
- Click the
Image Upload icon next to the Primary Image window on the left, then drag and drop the new file into the drop zone.
- Click the Done button to close the drop zone when complete.
To Add a Additional Images:
- Click the
Image Upload icon next to the Additional Images, then drag and drop the new file into the drop zone.
- Click the Done button to close the drop zone when complete.