Double click on any Edition record to open the Detail Pane and add additional information to the Edition record. The Edition Menu on the top of the Detail Pane will show the different Panes to open for adding more details. Click on any of the selections on the Edition Menu to open the different Panes:
The Editions Detail Pane includes several panes to access additional information: Details, Works, Images, Notes, Documents, Notes and Financials.
- Details: The Details Pane contains basic Edition details (artist, title, year, signature, etc.), Publisher, Printer, and Edition Series, and also includes classification fields (Types, AltTypes, Categories, etc.) and 6 User-defined fields.
- Works: The Works Pane displays all works entered for the Edition.
- Images: The Images Pane is where users will document all visual images (The primary or main image plus any additional images).
- Documents: The Documents Pane is where users can save any documentation on the Edition Record (condition reports, certificate of authenticity, etc.).
- Notes: The Editions Notes Pane is a large Note field to document any information about the Edition.
- Financials: The Financial Pane will display Values (Retail, Insurance, Appraisal, and 3 User-defined Values) and includes Value History and Expense History.
Edition Details Pane
- The Details Pane contains a fair amount of information. The upper section includes the basic artwork details: Artist, Title, Year, Media, Dimensions, Description, Inventory Number, Retail, and Signature.
- Note there are 3 different Dimension fields: Inches, Cm, and Notes. Enter inches and the cm equivalent will automatically appear. Enter cm and the inch equivalent will automatically appear. Click on the Preferred Measurement: Inch, Cm, or Notes. Be mindful that each of the Inch fields are 3 sections: Whole number, Numerator, and Denominator. Users can set a default Preferred Measurement in Settings but note it can be adjusted as needed on the Details Pane. Note that all Dimensions Settings should be set the same as in Works. Setting default for Dimensions in Works and Editions will be done in the Works Module Settings. SEE Works Module Settings.
Use the scroll bar on the right side of screen to scroll down to the next section.
The middle section of the Details Pane contains the Signature Detail, Publisher, Printer, Edition Series, and the Classification Fields.
- Signature Details: In the example in this section we have left Signature blank as it more likely that Signature information would be notated on the individual Work Records but if all works in the Edition are signed, please fill in the information on the Edition record so it will carry over to the Work records when the Works are created.
- Publisher and Printer: Note who Published and who Printed the Edition.
Edition Series
The Edition Series section is where Users will document the entire Edition record. The first line is generally used for the regular edition, the lines after that are for any additional edition such as AP, TP, PP, BAT, etc. Users need to add the Edition Series in the Edition column and the Denominator for that particular series in the Denominator column. The Available, Sold, NFS, and Total will be calculated by A5Artsystems as Edition Work records are added.
Edition: Enter the Edition Series (AP, TP, PP, BAT, etc.) in the Edition column. For regular edition records the Edition Series can be left blank.
Denominator: The total amount of records in the Edition and this value will be used as the denominator in the edition numbers.
The next five fields are the Classification fields:
- Edition Types: Types are considered a comprehensive overall description characterizing a particular kind of Artwork, such as Painting, Sculpture or Print (but this list is subjective based upon the work in all users inventory). Prior to entering data the User should decide a list of Types to designate for the Work records.
- Edition Alt Types: Alternate Type is the secondary Type field and used for additional methods of classification, such as keeping track of Asset Groups, Designations for donations, etc.
- Period: Period is the description of a certain Period or Era such as Zhou Dynasty, the Baroque Period, and the Harlem Renaissance.
- Style: Style is the definition of a particular art movement such as Contemporary, Modern, Neoclassical, etc.
- Country: The Country field is to note the artwork's country of origin.
- Edition Categories: Edition Categories help to organize the classification of Edition records. Unlike Types (which are overall definitions of the Edition record), Categories can define more granular information. Categories entered on a Work record define the Edition's attributes such as Landscape, Portrait, Butterfly Series, etc. Categories can also tag a Edition for inclusion in a list such as Donation, Art Fair 2012, Returned to Artist, etc.
Use the scroll bar on the right side of screen to scroll down to the next section.
The final section of the Detail Pane contains the 6 User Defined fields, Categories, Suite Image Titles, and finally the Date Added and Date Modified (not shown in image above).
The User Defined fields are fields that may be used to keep track of specific information where a field is not provided. The names of these fields depend upon the information users are documenting. User Defined fields are the same as in Works and User Defined fields for Works and Editions are renamed in Settings. SEE Works Module Settings.
- Categories: All categories added on the Edition record will carry over to the Works records for this Edition.
- Suite Image Titles: If the Edition contains multiple images to be sold as a portfolio or suite, enter each title in the area provided under Suite Image Titles on the left.