Contact records are entered for all Clients, Vendors, and Locations. Users will use Contact records to track addresses, phone fields, email, notes, saved documentations, images, and track sales information.
Double-click on any Contact in the grid to open the Contact Detail Pane and Contact Preview Panel (on the right side).
The Contact Detail Pane includes several panes to access additional information: Main, Images, Documents, Notes, Correspondence, Activity, Financial and Collection.
- Main: The Main Pane includes address and phone fields.
- Images: The Images Pane is where users will document all visual images (The primary or main image plus any additional images).
- Documents: The Documents Pane is where users can save any documentation on the Contact Record (consignment agreements, certificate of authenticity, etc.).
- Notes: The Contacts Notes Pane is a large Note field to document any information about the Contact.
- Correspondence: The Correspondence Pane will document all email sent in the program to the client.
- Activity: The Activity Pane will display all Transactions with the Contact such as Invoices, Consignments, Loans, etc.
- Financial: The Financial Pane will display an overview of Work History, Payments Received, Outstanding Works, Payments Made.
- Collection: The Collection Pane will display all Work records documented as owned or once owned by this Contact.
The Contact Preview Panel on the right side of record is where users can see a brief overview of the Contact Record and it includes an Action Bar in the center of the panel: Edit, Reports, Transactions, Contact.
- Edit: Select Edit to rename address descriptions, and for tools to maintain, merge, and copy Contact records.
- Reports: Select Reports for an easy way to run the commonly used reports: Artist Biography, Fax, Full Page Detail and Letter.
- Transactions: Select Transactions for the easiest way to create Transactions from Works: Invoice, Offer, Consign Out, Shipment, Loan, Receive Works, Receive Payment, Make Payments.
- Contact: Select Contact to easily send email to the Contact.
Classification Fields
To ensure that data can be retrieved easily it is important to define how to use the classification fields: Types and Categories.
- Contact Types: Types are considered a comprehensive overall description characterizing a particular kind of Contact, such as Collector, Artist or Gallery. Prior to entering data the User should decide a list of Types to designate for the Contact List. Types are added by selecting from the Main Menu Contacts > Edit List Fields. SEE How to Maintain Contact List Fields.
- Contact Categories: In contrast Categories denote less general designations such as to hone down artistic interests (Photography, Still Life, Warhol prints, etc.), or to include in a special mailing list or VIP list. Categories can be added by simply typing a new category in the next available line in the Category field. When Users click off the field they will be prompted 'Do you want to save 'xxx' to the list', answer 'Yes' or 'No'.
User Defined Fields
Users will define all Phone and User Fields to ensure data is entered consistently. Before getting started it is recommended to define all Phone and User Fields in the Settings Module. SEE Contacts Module Settings.