A Worksheet is a saved list of records used for any specific purpose such as works selected for an exhibition or art fair list, a group of works a collector is very interested in, a group of contacts to target for a special mailing, etc. A data set saved as a Worksheet can be easily activated any time in the future. Saved Worksheets are static lists (meaning, the list is a set number of records that will not vary with database edits). Users can create Worksheets from any list of Marked works.
Utilize the Marking and Dataset Tools in the upper left of the application for creating Worksheets.
Marking Tools:
CheckMark Icon: Select to mark all records in a dataset
CheckMark Icon Down Arrow Icon: Select to access the Marking Tools Menu
Dataset Tools:
SETS Icon: Select to choose to view all saved ViewSets or all saved Worksheets
SETS Icon Down Arrow Icon: Select to access the Sets Tool Menu
Create a Worksheet
Mark Records for the Worksheet then select from the Marking Tools Menu > New Worksheet from Marked
Type in a name for the Worksheet and select the Add New button. The New Worksheet is saved to the list.
To save a View Set as a Worksheet, generate the View Set and select the Check Mark on the Action Tool Bar to Mark All records in the View, then select from the Marking Tools Menu > New Worksheet from Marked.
Generate a Saved Worksheet
Users can access the saved list of Worksheets in two ways.
1) Select from the Main Menu the desired module and select Worksheets:
2) Select the SETS button on the Tool Bar and choose saved Worksheets. (Note: Click the arrow again to close the Set Tools Menu).
Worksheet Panel
The Worksheets Panel will appear on the left side of screen with the names of all the saved Worksheets for the module. Highlight to select any of the saved Worksheets in the list. NOTE that the name of the Worksheet set and the total number of records will appear in the Main Menu.
Add Records to a Saved Worksheet
- Mark the desired records to add to any worksheet
- Select the
Down Arrow Icon to open the Dataset Tools Menu
- Select Add Records to Worksheet
- On the Worksheets Panel highlight the Worksheet name and select the Add record to Existing Worksheet button
Delete Records from a Saved Worksheet
- Mark the desired records to remove from any worksheet
- Select the
Down Arrow Icon to open the Dataset Tools Menu
- Select Delete Records to Worksheet
- On the Worksheets Panel highlight the Worksheet name and select the Delete records from existing Worksheet button:
Rename a Saved Worksheet
- To change the name of a Worksheet, open the Worksheet Panel and highlight the desired saved Worksheet
- Select the
Down Arrow Icon to open the Dataset Tools Menu
- Select Rename Worksheet
- Type in the new Worksheet Name and select the Rename button.
Duplicate a Saved Worksheet
- Users can select this option to duplicate a saved Worksheet to create a new list based upon the older list. To Duplicate a saved Worksheet, , open the Worksheet Panel and highlight the desired saved Worksheet
- Select the
Down Arrow Icon to open the Dataset Tools Menu
- Select Duplicate Worksheet
- Type in the new Worksheet Name and select the Save button.
Delete a Saved Worksheet
- To Delete a saved Worksheet, open the Worksheet Panel and highlight the desired saved Worksheet
- Select the
Down Arrow Icon to open the Dataset Tools Menu
- Select Delete Worksheet
- Prompt will appear to confirm the Worksheet Deletion, select the Delete button.