Marking is the most basic element for list making in Artsystem5.
In any module, use the Marking Tools and the Check Mark icon to help gather, save, or recall groups of records. Use the links below for additional information on tools and features associated with marking and saving basic lists of records.
- SEE Main Toolbar Menu
- SEE Check Mark Icon
- SEE Saving A Worksheet
There are several different ways to Checkmark individual records, and then view those records as a group, within the Artsystem5 application:
Spreadsheet Marking
In all modules it is possible to Mark individual records directly in the spreadsheet view by clicking the check mark icon.
Grid Layout Marking
In the Works module it is possible to view records in a grid-pattern thumbnail views, with and without captions, instead of spreadsheet layout. Within either of the Grid Views it is still possible to Mark records by clicking to toggle the check mark icon.
Presentation View Marking
When viewing Works in the full browser window using Presentation View, records can be check marked by clicking the Mark button noted in the image above, at the bottom of the window. The current status of the check mark (on or off) is noted in the top right corner.
Record Detail Marking
In any module, click the check mark icon at the lower left corner of the Record Detail window to Mark the current record. The corresponding check mark icon in the spreadsheet will also be toggled.
View the Marked Records
When the desired group of records in a module have been check marked, using any of the above methods, the current list of Marked Records can be displayed in the spreadsheet view.
- Using the Main Navigation Menu, click Marked Works
- Using the Marking Tools Menu, click View Marked
Main Navigation |
Marking Tools Menu |