The References Detail Pane includes several panes to access additional information: Main, Works, Images, Documents, Library/Category, and Notes.
- Main: The Main Pane displays the main information about the Reference: note the fields which appear will depend on the Reference type and format.
- Works: The Works Pane displays all the inventory linked to the Reference.
- Images: The Images Pane is where users will document all visual images (The primary or main image plus any additional images).
- Documents: The Documents Pane is where users can save any documentation on the Reference Record (Exhibition Invitation, Book Cover, Catalogue Cover Image, etc.).
- Library/Category: The name of this Pane will be either Library (if Users are storing the physical citation such as Books, Magazines, Newspapers, etc.) or just Category (for citations such as Exhibition, Database, Lecture, etc.). The Library Pane tracks information for Location, Location Detail, ISBN#, Insurance Value, and Categories and the Category Pane has only the Category field . Categories may be added to any Reference in order to allow users to cull certain references together that share the same Categories.
- Notes: The Notes Pane is a large Note field to add any additional information about the Reference.
Book References Main Pane
The information on the References Main Pane will vary depending upon which Reference is opened. The below example is a Book Main Pane.
- The Book Main Pane displays the main information about the Book: Reference Format (note this is editable by selecting from the dropdown list), Reference#, SortDate, Author, Title, Editor, Part of the Book, Original Publish Date, Publisher, Year of Publication (for second printing), City of Publication, Edition, Volume, and Pages.
- The Sort Date should be entered in order to sort references by dates (since there are a variety of dates fields on the record). For books the Sort Date should be date of original publication, for magazines the sort date should be the date published, for exhibitions the first day of the exhibition, etc.
- Users can check the Owned field if the Book is part of their collection. The In and Out fields indicate whether the Book is on premises or out on loan.
- When the record is saved the Abbreviated Entry and Verbose Entry automatically formats according to the Chicago Manual of Style.
Exhibition References Main Pane
The Exhibition Main Pane displays Exhibition Format, Sort Date, Reference Number, Gallery, Title, Date, Other Details
NOTE: For Exhibition References, the Abbreviated and Verbose fields are formatted with the name of the Venue first. Users can have the fields formatted with Title first when selecting the 'Creation entries with Title first? option. Click the option, delete the Abbreviated and Verbose fields and save the record to have the fields re-format.
References Works Pane
The References Works Pane will display all Works linked to the Reference record.
Notice also that on the References Works Pane users can add additional Works, or delete works and also add Comments on the Reference such as page number or illustration citations. Comments will append to the Verbose Entry of the citation on the Works Infosheet, Full Page Detail, and Catalogue Reports. SEE Overview of the References Module.
Note also that Users can access all References linked to a Work record, add or delete References and also add Comments from the Works References Pane. SEE How to Add References.
IMPORTANT: Additional Works may be added or deleted to the Reference record from either the Reference Works Panes or the Works Reference Panes.
To Link additional Works to a Reference Record
- Click on the next available line and select the look up Eye icon to open the Works link.
- Use the Search field to find the specific record to find the desired Works. Click on the Magnifying Glass icon to select which field to search by.
- Click to select the correct Work/s and select the OK button.
To Remove Works from a Reference Record
- To delete a Work from a Reference Record, simply highlight the desired work to remove and press the Delete Key on the keyboard. The text on the Work will turn Red (noting that it is to be deleted).
- Click the Save button and then the Close button and the work will be purged from the Reference record.
References Images Pane
Users may add one Primary Image and multiple Additional Images to the Reference record.
The Primary Image is the main image for the record and one that will be used for all reports.
- To add the Primary Image, click the Image Upload icon next to the Primary Image window on the left, then drag and drop the new file into the drop zone.
- Click the Done button to close the drop zone when complete.
- To add the Additional Images, click the Image Upload icon next to the Additional Images, then drag and drop the new file into the drop zone.
- Click the Done button to close the drop zone when complete.
- The Directional icons at the bottom of the screen allows users to rotate the attached images if necessary.
- To Delete the Primary Image select the X Icon just right of the Primary Image.
- Use the Density Slider on the right side of screen to change the size of the Additional Images in the grid.
References Documents Pane
The Documents Pane is where users can save important documentation associated with the References.
- Attach Document: Click the Attach Document icon to open the drop zone, then drag and drop any document into the drop zone. Click the Done button when finished.
- Remove: To delete a saved document, click to highlight the name of the document in the list and click the Remove icon .
References Library/Category Pane
The Library/Category Pane allows Users to keep track of physical location of the Reference and to add Categories.
References Notes Pane
The Notes Pane has a large Note field to add Notes associated with the Private View.