The Main Transaction Detail Pane
To simplify the Transaction Pane we have broken it up into 4 sections: The Header Section, The Transaction Panes, and the Footer Section.
1. Transaction Header Section
- Sold To and Ship To: Displays the Sold To and Ship To Contacts as it was entered when creating the Transaction. Note that Ship To may be left blank if it is the same as the Sold To.
- Edit Icon: Use the Edit Icon to change the Contact link if needed.
- Look Up Icon: Use the Look Up Icon to open up the Contact record for editing if needed.
- Shipped: The Shipped field allows Users to show when the Works in the Transaction were physically shipped. (Note also that the Date Shipped is an editable field). Clicking on the Shipped field will update the Location and Status on all Works in the Transaction. If the Works in the Transaction are shipped in multiple shipments, users can convert the Transaction to multiple shipments using the Preview Panel. SEE Utilize the Transactions Preview Panel
- Transaction Type Number: The Transaction Type number will appear incrementally for each Transaction. If needed, users can adjust the next number for the Transaction Type Number in Settings. SEE Transaction Numbers in Settings.
- Lock Icon: The Lock Icon displays whether or not the Transaction is editable.
- the Lock Icon in the open position indicates the Transaction is editable.
- the Lock Icon in the closed position indicates the Transaction is un-editable.
If the Transaction is locked, a user can click on the Lock to un-lock the Transaction if needed (likewise, users can click on the unlocked icon to lock the Transaction to editing).
2. The Transaction Panes
The Transaction Pane Menu includes the 4 Transaction Panes: Works, Additional Items, Notes and Shipment. It also includes the Expansion Icon .
Use the Expansion Icon:
The first icon on the Transaction Pane menu is the Expansion icon which is used with all the additional panes. Click the expansion icon to enlarge working section of the pane making it easier to see all the information:
Normal View:
Expansion View:
Transaction Works Pane
The Works Pane contains the Works grid showing the inventory included in the Transaction.
Work records include Image, Inventory Number, Artist, Title, Retail, Disc. %, Discount Amount, and Sales Price.
- Sorting records in the Grid: Users can right click in the Inventory Number, Artist or Title field to sort records A-Z or Z-A.
- Control Density in the Grid: Users can right click in the Retail Price, Disc. %, Discount, or Sales Price to adjust the density in the Works Detail Section: Small, Medium or Large. The above image shows the density = Large, the below image shows the density = Small.
- To Change a Retail Price: Users can click in the Retail Price field to alter the Retail Price if needed. When Retail is adjusted in this manner, users will get a prompt asking 'Do you want to to update the new price on the Work record?', answer 'Yes' or 'No'.
- To Delete Work Items from a Transaction: User can remove Works from a Transaction by highlighting the Work to be deleted, and press the Delete Key on the Keyboard. The Work text will turn Red and when the Transaction is saved, users will get a prompt asking 'Do you want to Purge Deleted items from this Transaction?', answer 'Yes' or 'No'.
- Select Yes to purge the record from the Transaction. Users will not see the record on the Transaction.
- Select No to not purge the record from the Transaction. Users will still see the record on the Transaction but the text will remain in Red. The not purged Work record will not be included on the Transaction Document and the Amounts for that record will not total on the Transaction.
- To Add Additional Works: Users can position the cursor in the Works Grid and click once on the next available line. Click on the Eye Icon that appears to open a Works Selection Pane.
On the Works Selection Pane, users can utilize the Search field, or Pre-defined sets or View area to help find the record to add to Transaction.
Select the Magnifying Glass Icon to select which field to search for the work.
Remember the Asterisk Icon shows that the search will be anywhere in the field.
- Users can click on the Asterisk Icon to alter the search from 'Anywhere' to 'Start of the field'.
- The Right Arrow Icon indicates the search will be 'Start of the field'. Click the Right Arrow icon to alter the search back to the Asterisk icon (search anywhere in the field).
When the Work records are located, Click to mark the Works and select the OK button:
The bottom of the Works Detail Pane displays:
- Total Count of Records on Transaction: Number Count is located on the bottom left.
- Mark All button: Click the Mark All button to mark all Works in the Transaction. Using this feature allows users to easily view the Work Details in Works.
- Click Mark All. Users will receive message saying 'These Works are now Marked.'
- Select from the main menu Works>Marked Works
- Now all the Works from the Transaction are selected and can be viewed in Detail.
- Total of Retail Price, Disc. %, Discount and Sales Price: All Totals appear on the bottom right.
- Works Terms/Discount: Users can add an overall discount in the Disc. Percent or Discount Amount columns at the bottom of the grid.
If there are different Discounts applied to each piece Users may click on the Disc. Percent or Discount Amount columns for each line item in the Works Grid. When the discounts are different the Works Terms/Discount will be checked.
Transactions Additional Items Pane
The Additional Items pane allows users to add additional charges to a Transaction (when applicable) such as shipping, packing, or framing. For example users can add Frame or Shipping costs to an invoice:
- Type: Select Type from drop-down list or type in a new Type into the Type column.
- Description: Add Description if desired.
- Amount: Type in the Amount to be charged.
- Tax: Check Tax if the charge is taxable. Do not check if the item is untaxable.
- Total Misc.: The Total Misc. line item will total up the Amount on the Additional Items pane.
Transactions Notes Pane
The Notes Pane is a large note area to document any notes pertaining to the Transaction.
Transactions Shipment Pane
Click Shipment to open a pane will allow users to document work movement.
- Works Inactive upon Shipment: Use this option if needed to set all Works as Inactive upon clicking the Shipped field (on the Header section). This option is recommended for when work is being sent back to a consignor and will no longer be part of the users inventory.
- Reference Number: Enter the Reference Number for the Shipment if needed.
- Set Location Detail: Use this option to update the Works Location Detail on all works in the transaction.
- Shipper: Use the Pencil icon to add or edit the Shipper.
- Ship Notes: Use the Ship Note field for any special shipping notes.
- Packed and Packed by: Enter who packed the works for shipping and when they were packed.
- Checked and Checked by: Enter who checked the final shipment packages and when they were checked.
3. Transactions Footer Section
- Currency: Users can create Transactions in non-home currency by adding the Currency and Currency Rate. Select the desired currency from the drop-down list and all values will adjust appropriately.
- Currency Rate: Currency Rates are saved in the database, but users can right click in the Rate field to Look-up the current exchange rate. Note the currency rate menu will also show when the last rate was recorded.
- Transaction Date: Displays the date the Transaction was created (this field is editable).
- Transaction By: Select an employee from the drop down list to indicate who created the Transaction. To edit or add employees SEE How to Maintain Transaction List Fields.
- Authorized Date: Users can enter the authorization date the Transaction if needed.
- Authorized By: Users can enter who authorized the Transaction if needed.
- Tax Jurisdiction 1: Tax Jurisdictions and Rates are saved in the database, users can select the desired Tax Jurisdiction from the drop down list. To add or edit Tax Jurisdictions SEE How to Maintain Transaction List Fields.
- Tax Jurisdiction 2: Users can add additional Tax Jurisdictions if necessary.